Entrepreneur, founder, and CEO Anthony Chong spares time out of his busy schedule to chat with Jason and Kelcey about his involvement at Caltech, the state of research institutions, and barnstorming the high school math club.
Anthony is the founder and CEO of Ikasi, the world's premier data analysis platform. Anthony graduated from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in computer science. He is the former head of optimization at Adaptly and the former VP of our high school math club. Aside from his work with Ikasi, Anthony also serves on the board of Caltech's Alumni Association and is on the Board of Advisors for the Science Education Initiative.
What Jason Learned
Kelcey once pointed out a mailman to a friend's dad on the way home from soccer practice.
What Kelcey Learned
Ronald McDonald is no longer the official mascot of McDonald's due to shifting public opinion on clowns in recent times.
Top Five Tips for Doing College the Best
Fact or Fiction: Caltech Edition
Won't You, Haiku?
College College is a time
For research to flourish and
Endowments abound.