August 31, 2021
CBS Shows with Lisa
Overcoming tremendous odds, Jason and Kelcey convinced Dr. Lisa Chu to tell us about CBS's portfolio of Crime-Based Shows, how media can inspire a career, and the definition of "game".
Lisa Chu is a hematology / oncology fellow at the University of Michigan. Lisa is a former violinist, former trumpeter, former collegiate swimmer from Williams College and former high school ASB Vice President.

What Jason Learned
Jason is the anti-Marie Kondo
What Kelcey Learned
Sudafed is very strong!
Top Five Best CBS Shows of All Time
  1. NCIS

  2. Criminal Minds

  3. Person of Interest

  4. CSI

  5. NCIS: New Orleans

Fact or Fiction: CBS Show Edition
  1. NCIS is CBS’s longest running series at 18 seasons - FICTION, CBS’s longest running show is Gunsmoke with 20 seasons

  2. CBS stands for Columbia Broadcasting System - FACT

  3. Rudy Boesch is the oldest Survivor contestant, who starred on the first and eighth seasons of the show at ages 72 and 75, respectively - FACT

  4. The creator of NCIS Donald Bellisario was in the Army which inspired the creation of NCIS as a show - FICTION, Bellisario was in the Navy.

Won't You, Haiku?

I like CBS
Crime-based shows are great